The Application of quality to all business operations and processes

Bosnalijek was established in 1951 and has since become the largest industrial manufacturer of medicines in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company is continuously committed to its customers. Each year it strives to expand its product range with new products adapted to customer needs.

 The focus of the product range structure is on medicines of mass therapeutic application. The product range includes medicines for peroral, parenteral and topical administration with effect on the digestive system and metabolism, cardiovascular system, systemic infections, skin, musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory system, and systemic hormonal medicines, with the exception of sex hormones. In addition to medicines, our wide product range also includes dietary supplements and disinfectants for broad consumption.

 We are strategically focused on improving the quality of our business and manufacturing processes. To this end, continuous professional improvement and careful analysis and planning are our fundamental business principles.

 Grounds for the development of Bosnalijek are the modernisation of the manufacturing plant, education and continuous training of employees and compliance of our business operations with global pharmaceutical standards. For decades, Bosnalijek has been dedicated to the consistent application of quality standards in all aspects of its business operations and processes. This approach allows the company to produce medicines of the highest quality and justifiably rank alongside internationally competitive pharmaceutical companies.  

The Bosnalijek quality system is in full compliance with national and international statutory regulations and standards for good manufacturing practice, meeting the expectations and justifying the confidence of our customers, partners and the regulatory authorities.
Bosnalijek expresses daily interest in and care for the development of society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, expressed through its support for projects and events within the realms of culture, sport, science and education. In particular, we encourage education and successfully cooperate with faculties of pharmacy, medicine and natural sciences through sponsorships programmes for young and talented students as well as scientific accomplishments in medicine and pharmaceuticals. We provide intensive assistance for the organisation of professional and scientific conferences and support the participation of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina at international conferences.
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oktobar 22. 2024 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%