Principles and Values

Here at Bosnalijek we value our employees who integrate their expert knowledge and skills into their duties and the achievement of the company’s defined objectives in accordance with its mission, business vision and strategy.

Our Principles

Focus on the customer as well as other interested parties

 We recognise and understand the current and strive to predict the future needs of our customers, the users of our products and other interested parties and adjust our product range to meet these needs. Our product range does not have an adverse effect on the environment or the health and safety of our employees. We strive to exceed the expectations.

Company Management: Leadership

The company management and other managerial levels are responsible for the management and motivation of the organisational units. Their primary aim is to implement defined plans and continually improve all aspects of our business process and systems. In response to a request by the company management, the sector for Human Resources developed a Success Management System. This system created the foundation for more balanced motivation among our employees. Our managers care about our employees and work with them to help improve their different abilities to carry out their assigned duties. 

Engagement of Employees

Our approach is to focus the skills of our employees efficiently in a working environment that favours individual creativity, fosters innovative skills and encourages self-improvement and cooperation among all of our employees. In this way, we ensure the achievement of individual and company objectives and strengthen the sense of belonging to the company.

Process Approach

We manage our activities as processes. We improve these processes and achieve defined objectives more efficiently by analysing input and output data, completed tasks, activity planning, corrections and the distribution of resources.

Systematic Approach to Management

We identify processes determine their mutual relations and systematically manage these processes. This approach to management requires that we implement continuous training at all levels of management. The systematic approach to management focuses on identifying the needs of our customers as well as all other interested parties and on meeting and surpassing their expectations.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is the company’s lasting objective. The company management defines the strategic objectives and delegates to the sector managers. The sector managers and the heads of departments define the resources necessary to achieve the objectives, implement identified plans, measure the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and identify new activities leading to lasting improvements.

Making Decisions based on Fact

Decisions in the company are based on information and fact analysis. A very important input parameter for decision-making is the System Function Report, developed by the Sector for Quality and Environmental Management. Decisions are made in the interests of our customers, employees, shareholders and beyond.

Partner Relationship with Suppliers

We incorporate suppliers of materials and equipment and service providers into our system through our requirement that all operations are implemented in accordance with international standards. Our objective is to develop joint values with our suppliers.

Related links
Employee education and training
februar 07. 2025 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%