Regular Shareholders Assembly Meeting 23/06/2016 - Decisions

Decisions passed at the regular Annual Shareholders Assembly Meeting of Bosnalijek d.d.

  • Decision on the Election of the Chairperson of the Shareholders Assembly and Two Certifiers of Shareholder Assembly Records (pdf)
  • Decision on the Adoption of the Articles of Association of Bosnalijek d.d. (pdf)
  • Decision on the Adoption of the Annual Business Report for 2015 with Financial Reports, Audit Reports, Supervisory Board Reports and Audit Board Reports (pdf)
  • Decision on the Distribution of Profit and Dividend Payments under the Company’s Annual Report for 2015 (pdf)
  • Decision on the Election of an External Auditor to Audit the Financial Reports of Bosnalijek d.d. for 2016 (pdf)
  • Decision on the Appointment of Members of the Audit Board (pdf)
  • Decision on the Establishment of a Subsidiary Limited Liability Company in the Republic of Macedonia, Bosnalijek dooel Skoplje  (pdf)
  • Decision on Acceptance of the Acquisition of the Bosfarm dooel Skoplje Company by the Bosnalijek dooel Skoplje Company (pdf)
  • Decision on Acquisition of the Bosfarm dooel Skoplje Company by the Bosnalijek dooel Skoplje Company (pdf)
juli 27. 2024 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%